1. |
Present: |
Dedrick D. Johnson, Mayor |
Thelma Bowie, Commissioner At-Large, Mayor Pro Tem |
Abel Garza, Jr. , Commissioner At-Large |
DeAndre' Knoxson, Commissioner District 1 |
Felix Herrera, Commissioner District 2 |
Dorthea Jones Pointer, Commissioner District 3 |
Jami Clark, Commissioner District 4 |
2. |
INVOCATION Led by Stephanie Hughes of St. John's United Methodist Church. |
3. |
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Commissioner District 2 Felix Herrera. |
4. |
a. |
Service Awards |
Charles Barkmann |
Fire |
01/06/2014 |
10 years |
Joshua Eby |
Fire |
01/07/2009 |
15 years |
Jonathan Lee |
Fire |
01/18/1999 |
25 years |
b. |
Chief Landis Cravens promoted Officer Diego Reyes and Officer Christopher Land to the rank of Sergeant, and Luis Villarreal was sworn in as a Probationary Police Officer. Each individual was pinned by a family member. |
5. |
PUBLIC COMMENTS Kaela Talplacido invited the City to participate in the Galveston Cunty Law Enforcement Social Services Expo. |
6. |
CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner At-Large Abel Garza, Jr. made a motion to approve Consent Agenda items a, b, c, d, e, f, and h. The motion was seconded by Commissioner District 2 Felix Herrera. |
a. |
Approve City Commission Minutes for January 3, 2024 meeting. (City Secretary) |