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Binnacle Texas City 51, LLC and Galveston County Municipal Utility District 79 requests to Petition for Consent to Annex 19.35 acres of land from the District and Binnacle Texas City 51 LLC ("Binnacle 51")/Brookwater Section 1, together with the Certificate of Authority of Binnacle 51.
Submitted For:
Kim Golden
Submitted By:
Veronica Carreon, Transportation and Planning
Transportation and Planning
Binnacle Texas City 51, LLC and the GCMAD 79 request the consent of the City to annexation of a 19.35 acre tract being Brookwater Subdivision Sections 1A and 1B into the District.
BACKGROUND (Brief Summary)
Brookwater Subdivision Sections 1A and 1B are part of a master-planned residential development that will ultimately contain approximately 201 residential lots and a commercial area on S.H.3. The Planned Urban Development (PUD) preliminary rezoning, Master Plan and Development Agreement were approved by the City Commission on November 17, 2021. The developer has 12 months from the date of approval to begin implementing an approved Master Plan. Developer obtained approval of the Section 1 preliminary plat on May 16, 2022, and an extension of said approval on March 18, 2024, until May 16, 2024. Developer then chose to change the previous Section 1 into Sections 1A and 1B. The developer received approval of the Preliminary Plats for Sections 1A and 1B on July 22, 2024. The Planning Board approved the Final Plats for Sections 1A and 1B on October 7, 2024, subject to developer obtaining a drainage easement to connect the drainage outfall to the GCDD#2 Ditch 6 drainage canal. Staff have been advised the developer has negotiated approved terms for the drainage easement which is in the process of being signed and recorded.
The master-planned project as approved will be on 50-acres of undeveloped land that is on the east side of FM 2004, between Mainland City Centre and GCDD 2’s Ditch 6 channel. The project will include a combination of 50’, 60’, and 70’ wide lots. The variety of lot sizes will be balanced and mixed within each section. The city’s vision and long-range plan suggests that a variety of housing products be developed to serve the needs of the community and attract new families to the city. Generally, lot sizes and the inclusion of amenities have a beneficial effect on the types of homes being developed.
Staff recommend consent to annexation of Sections 1A & 1B into the GCMUD 79.
Fiscal Impact
Binnancle 51 - Petition for Consent to Annex Land into MUD 79
Binnacle 51 - Certificate of Authority
Binnacle 51 - Survey Map
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