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TCEDC Agenda
Meeting Date:
Approval of Resolution 2023 - 34 authorizing agreement with Marsh Darcy Partners for Professional Consulting Services for development assistance for Shoal Point
Submitted For:
Jon Branson
Submitted By:
Jon Branson, Management Services
Management Services
ACTION REQUEST (Brief Summary)
Approval of an agreement with Marsh Darcy Partners to assist the Texas City Economic Development Corporation with the development of Shoal Point.
The City and the Texas City Economic Development Corporation have tried to develop Shoal Point for many years. Unfortunately, for various reasons, the site has not developed as of this time. The City is in discussions with several viable project partners for development on and near Shoal Point. One of the most pressing issues regarding almost all previous and current potential projects is the development and maintenance of the road that is necessary to get to and upon Shoal Point.
Ultimately, a road will need to be constructed through both existing industrial facilities and vacant areas to promote the highest and best use of this site. To determine the best solutions to promote long-term, joint and equitable development of the site, staff is seeking professional services assistance with this process.
With the Board's approval, staff will enter into a professional services agreement for an amount not to exceed $25,000. Those services will include but not be limited to the following:
Task 1)
Assist in developing and articulating the objectives of the various property owners with regard to the construction and ongoing maintenance of the road.
Task 2)
Based upon the agreed-upon objectives, evaluate various special district options, ownership structure options, and revenue sources such as fees/assessments/taxes, etc.
Task 3)
Provide on-call services related to property owner negotiations, including additional analysis of development issues and financial projections.
Task 4)
Attend meetings as necessary with Client staff and with property owners to facilitate implementation of an agreed-upon path of action.
Staff recommends approval of a professional services agreement with Marsh Darcy for assistance with development assistance for Shoal Point.
Professional Services Agreement - Marsh Darcy Partners
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