Approve and award a contract for bid # 2024-453 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project - Phase 23.
BACKGROUND (Brief Summary)
A notice to bidders was advertised on February 28, 2024 and March 06, 2024. Bid packets were made available to local area vendors via CIVCASTUSA. Bids were received and opened on March 19, 2024 at 11:30 a.m. The lowest responsible bid meeting all specifications was submitted by CZ Construction, LLC., for the total bid amount of $1,285,216.00. Add alternate No. 1 was not considered for award.
Funds are available via the City of Texas City 2023/2024 Annual Budget 501702-55680-70223.
A letter of recommendation and bid tabulation are attached for your review.
It is the recommendation of the Public Works Department to award bid # 2024-453 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project - Phase 23, to CZ Construction, LLC., for the total bid amount of $1,285,216.00, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute a contract on behalf of the City Commission. It is further recommended that the Mayor be authorized to approve change orders, not to exceed 25% of the total contract price, without taking the matter before the City Commission. Thank you.