Bid No. 2024-460 Lift Stations 7 and 15 Rehabilitation Project
Submitted For:
Mike McKinley, Public Works
Submitted By:
Mike McKinley, Public Works
Public Works
Approve and award a contract for Bid No. 2024-460 Lift Stations 7 and 15 Rehabilitation Project.
BACKGROUND (Brief Summary)
On August 15th & 22 th, 2024, a notice to bidders was advertised in the local paper and bid packets were made available to local businesses through CivCastUSA and ARKK Engineers, LLC. On September 13th, 2024 @ 11:00 a.m. bids were opened and read aloud. The lowest responsible bidder meeting all the requirements was Matula & Matula Construction, Inc., in Lake Jackson, Texas, for the total amount of $1,121,992.00.
Funds are made available via account number 501706-55685 in the City of Texas City 2023 -2024 Annual budget.
A bid tabulation with a letter of recommendation is attached for your review.
It is the recommendation of the Public Works Department that the City Commission award the contract for this project to Matula & Matula Construction, Inc., for the total bid amount of $1,121,992.00 and that the Mayor be authorized to execute a contract on behalf of the City Commission. The Public Works Department further recommends that the Mayor be authorized to approve any change orders, not to exceed 25% of the total contract amount, without bringing the matter before the City Commission.