Purchase of a John Deere 335 P Compact Track Loader
Submitted For:
Mike McKinley, Public Works
Submitted By:
Rhomari Leigh, City Secretary
Public Works
Recommend approval of the purchase of a John Deere 335 P Compact Track Loader.
BACKGROUND (Brief Summary)
The Streets and Bridge department has an existing Bobcat T870 Bobcat with over 1,366 hours of operation and is in need of replacement. SHOPPA's Farm Supply through the CCE Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Program Contract #011723-J DC) a John Deere 335 P Compact Track Loader that is recommended to replace the old worn out Bobcat at a total cost not to exceed $110,000.
Funding for this piece of equipment is available in the FY 24/25 budget in Account # 602-301-5510 Capital Misc., Equipment.
The existing equipment has aged and led to increased breakdowns, higher maintenance costs, and reduced productivity.
It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director to approve the purchase of the John Deere 335 P Compact Track Loader.