Information |
Requesting Commission Approval for the Utilities Department Purchase of a new Hydro-Excavation Truck through HGAC Contract No. HT06-20 for the amount of: $340,000.00 funded with Account No.501705-55690. For detailed information on truck pricing and specs, See EXHIBIT A. |
BACKGROUND (Brief Summary) |
This is a first time purchase of a Hydro-Excavating Truck by the Utilities Department. Hydro-Excavation is widely used in many different industries and is a safer alternative to traditional excavation methods. It uses pressurized water and a vacuum to dig and move soil, which reduces the risk of injury to workers and damage to underground utilities and chemical/petrochemical pipelines. Other advantages include: Storm/Sanitary Sewer line cleaning. Single vehicle mobility reduces the need for transporting conventional digging equipment---- Less plant and root damage above and below the ground and is less expensive than traditional excavation methods because it requires fewer materials and a limited workforce. |
It is the recommendation of the Utilities Department for the Mayor and City Commission to approve the purchase of a Hydro-Excavation Truck to aid in safe excavation during day-to-day Utilities Department operations, reducing the possible risk of disruptive and expensive damage to other critical underground services. |