Reject all bids received for Bid No. 2024-461 Sheet Pile Replacement Project for Pump Stations A & B
Submitted For:
Mike McKinley, Public Works
Submitted By:
Mike McKinley, Public Works
Public Works
It is recommended that all bids be rejected that were received for Bid # 2024-461, Sheet Piling Replacement Project at Pump Stations A and B, and rebid at a later date in hopes of receiving more than 1 bid.
BACKGROUND (Brief Summary)
On August 20, 2024, and August 27, 2024, a Notice To Bidders was published in the local area newspaper and bid packets were made available to vendors via CivCastUSA.
This project is being funded by a GLO grant, contract # 22-085-017-D253. Only one bid was received and was opened at 11:00 a.m. on September 20, 2024.
GrantWorks, our grant administrator, was contacted at that time and notified that we only had one bidder and need to check compliance with the GLO requirements.
A letter of recommendation is attached for your review.
It is the recommendation of GrantWorks, our grant administrator, ARKK Engineers, our project engineers, and the Public Works Department that we reject this bid and rebid this project in hopes of receiving more than one bid.