Approval for Payment of TCEQ Water System Fee (COTC) for up to $65,000.00
Submitted For:
Dj Hutchinson, Public Works
Submitted By:
Dj Hutchinson, Public Works
Public Works
The Utilities Department is seeking approval for payment of theTexas Commission Environmental Quality (TCEQ) fee for an amount up to $65,000.00 utilizing Account No. 501701 53680
BACKGROUND (Brief Summary)
The COTC typically receives an invoice from TCEQ for its water system fee in late November or early December. This fee fluctuates from year to year with the largest-to-date totaling $52,261.40. When the invoice is received, there typically is not enough time to receive Commission approval before the payment due date. TCEQ's late payment fees are large, so we are requesting authorization to pay up to an amount of $65,000.00 to avoid any penalty for late payment.
It is the recommendation of the Utilities Director to approve an amount fo up to $65,000.00 for payment of the TCEQ Water System Fee.