To approve the updated City of Texas City's Social Media policy.
BACKGROUND (Brief Summary)
City Employee's were notified on October 23, 2023, by the Information Technology Director, that TikTok was blocked from usage on City of Texas City devices and City of Texas City Wi-Fi. Under Texas S.B. 1893, the City is required to adopt a policy prohibiting the installation and use of certain social media applications covered by Chapter 620 of the Texas Government Code on any device owned or leased by the City and requiring removal of the application from those devices if already installed.
The City will verify compliance with this policy through various methods, including, but not limited to, IT/security system reports and feedback to leadership. An employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment.
This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to reflect changes in state law, additions to applications identified under Government Code Section 620.006, updates to the prohibited technology list posted to DIR's website, or to suit the needs of the City.
In addition to containing the necessary policy prohibiting TikTok on City devices, the policy also: -Updates the list of social media platforms -Outlines content moderation -Adds information about the retention of content and the Public Information Act -Outlines more specific information for City departments operating social media pages on behalf of the City, including protocols for email addresses and passwords, who may/may not serve as an administrator, content guidelines, etc.
There is no fiscal impact for this agenda item.
It is the recommendation of the Communications Director, Human Resources Director and City Secretary to approve the adoption of the updated Social Media Policy.