Consider and take action regarding the Master Plan for Marlow Lake North Subdivision
Submitted For:
Kim Golden, Transportation and Planning
Submitted By:
Curt Kelly, Transportation and Planning
Transportation and Planning
Consider and take action regarding the Master Plan for Marlow Lake North Subdivision.
BACKGROUND (Brief Summary)
The City Commission previously gave preliminary zoning approval to the rezoning of the Marlow Lake North master planned community from District A-1 Single Family Residential to District I Planned Unit Development on March 16, 2022. However, neither the subdivision master plan nor the development agreement were presented to the City Commission at that time.
The owner, SSLT, Inc., proposes to develop a 71.6 acres site on S.H.3, immediately north of the Marlow Lake Development, to provide approximately 161 single family lots with lot widths ranging from 50' to 70'. The proposed lot mix is:
50' x 120' 60 lots 29% 60' x 120' 114 lots 53% 70' x 120' 39 lots 18%
Under the District I Planned Unit Development zoning designation, a variety of lot sizes can be arranged along with amenities such as landscaped entryways, parks, and open spaces. Approximately 22.4 acres of the site is anticipated to be used as a detention pond and amenity lake. The project is intended to be part of Galveston County Municipal Utility District 79. The Subdivision Master Plan is scheduled to be presented to the Planning Board at its meeting on Monday, November 4, 2024. The Master Plan previously presented with the PUD application in 2022 proposed to develop 158 single family homes at approximately 2.0 units per acre. The revised Master Plan proposes to develop 161 lots which maintains the approximate density.
Staff will present the recommendation of the Planning Board regarding the Master Plan when made at its meeting scheduled for November 4, 2024.
Fiscal Impact
Staff Report - Marlow Lake North - Planning Board Meeting 02-07-2022
Staff Report - Marlow Lake North - Zoning Commission Meeting 2.22.2022