Authorize signatories for Texas GLO Contractual & Financial Documents
Submitted For:
Dedrick Johnson, Mayor's Office
Submitted By:
Titilayo Smith, Community Development/ Grant Admin
Mayor's Office
Discuss, consider, and adopt a resolution to update the designated authorized signatories for contractual and financial documents for GLO state contract numbers 24-065-018-E175, 22-130-075-E800, 22-085-017-D253, and 22-119-003-D373.
BACKGROUND (Brief Summary)
Currently, the authorized signatures for GLO contractual and financial documents are Mayor Johnson and CFO Rushing. Grants Administration is requesting that Titilayo Smith, Director of Community Development & Grants Administration, Jack Haralson, Director of Public Works, Joe Tumbleson, Director of Homeland Security & Emergency Management Coordinator, and Nicole Miller, Director of Recreation & Tourism, be approved as a backup for Mayor Johnson and Kelly Bender, Grants Accountant, be backup for CFO Rushing in order to avoid any processing delays in the absence of Mayor Johnson and/or CFO Rushing.
It is the recommendation of the Director of Community Development & Grants Administration that the Commission authorize the signatories as listed on the attached updated Depository/Authorized Signatories Designation Forms.