Bid # 2025-466 Sheet Pile Replacement Project at Pump Stations A and B
Submitted For:
Mike McKinley, Public Works
Submitted By:
Mike McKinley, Public Works
Public Works
Approve and award a contract for bid no. 2025-466 Sheet Pile Replacement Project at Pump Stations A & B to Carlson McClain Construction Company, LLC., of Woodlands, Texas.
BACKGROUND (Brief Summary)
Bid # 2025-466 Sheet Pile Replacement Project At Pump Stations A & B was advertised in the local area newspaper on October 17, 2024 and October 24, 2024. Bid packets were made available via CIVCASTUSA. Bids were received and opened on November 7, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. local time. The lowest responsible bid came from Carlson McClain Construction Company, LLC., of Woodlands, Texas, for the total bid amount of $1,768,500.00. This project will be financed with assistance from the GLO under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CDBG - MIT program, contract no. 22-085-017-D253.
Verified account numbers on the 2024/2025 annual budget are: 242303-55350-24201 for Station A 242303-55350-24202 for Station B
A letter of recommendation with bid tabulation is attached for your review.
It is the recommendation of the Public Works Department to award bid no. 2025-466 Sheet Pile Replacement Project at Pump Stations A & B, to Carlson McClain Construction Company, LLC., of Woodlands, Texas, for the total bid amount of $1,768,500.00, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute a contract on behalf of the City Commission.