Approval of Contractor for Lago Mar 24" Force Main Phase2 and Lago Mar East 16" Force Main Phase 2B
Submitted For:
Dj Hutchinson, Public Works
Submitted By:
Dj Hutchinson, Public Works
Public Works
The Public Works Department is seeking approval for entering into a contract with Blaze Construction Services, LLC for the aforementioned Lago Mar Sewer Line Project.
BACKGROUND (Brief Summary)
Eleven bids were received for this project on November 6, 2024. Blaze Construction, LLC was the low bid in the amount of $5,327,471.00. This project will be funded through Account No.256702-55680-25603 and is necessary for increased capacity of the sewer system to keep up with the continued growth of new homes and business in the Lago Mar area. See (Exhibit A) for bid tabulation and Quiddity Engineering's recommendation.
It is the recommendation of the Public Works Department and Quiddity Engineering that the Mayor and City Commission approve entering into a contract with Blazey Construction, LLC for this project.