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City Council Memorandum Development Services Memo No. CP24-061
November 9, 2023
Mayor and Council
Joshua H. Wright, City Manager
Andy Bass, Deputy City Manager
Micah Miranda, Acting Development Services Director
Kimberly Moon, CIP Engineering Senior Manager
Ivan Magana, Engineer
Job Order Project Agreement No. DS2201.401 with Caliente Construction, Inc., Pursuant to Job Order Master Agreement No. JOC1904.401, for the Outside Plant Fiber Telecommunications Remote Buildings – Veterans Oasis
Proposed Motion:
Move City Council award Job Order Project Agreement No. DS2201.401 to Caliente Construction, Inc., Pursuant to Job Order Master Agreement No. JOC1904.401, for the Outside Plant Fiber Telecommunications Remote Buildings – Veterans Oasis, in an amount not to exceed $936,605.
The project consists of a small remote building to house the telecommunication fiber optic hub switch and associated connections to existing City of Chandler fiber infrastructure. The hub switch will be located at Veterans Oasis Park adjacent to the Chandler Heights Substation. The City's Fiber Master Plan recommended new hub switches to improve Chandler’s network resiliency and reliability.
The City of Chandler has been installing conduit and connecting traffic signals to City owned copper communications cabling as far back as the early 1980’s. In the early 1990’s, Chandler began converting that copper communications network to fiber optic cabling. Today, Chandler has one of the most connected traffic systems as a result of the City's innovative approach. Over the years, City buildings such as libraries, aquatic centers, fire stations, police stations and even programmable signs have been connected to the City fiber network through a sequence of last-mile projects.
The fiber system grew organically as the City's needs evolved and new technologies emerged. In 2010, a Fiber Master Assessment was completed, followed the 2020 Fiber Master Plan. The Master Plan included a projected 10-year plan for rehabilitation and capital improvements which was incorporated into the City's capital improvement program (CIP).
These remote telecommunications building projects are part of the initial phase of recommendations in the Master Plan to provide much needed diversity and redundancy and improve the resiliency of the City of Chandler fiber optic network. The addition of these points of connection decentralizes the city's network and will, as the other improvements are made, create redundant connections for trunk circuits and distribution circuits that will provide the kind of service the city will need for future security of the communications network.
The project scope of work includes the furnishing and installation of the prefabricated concrete building, fiber connections to existing infrastructure, fiber vaults, HVAC, transformer and associated electrical, electrical connection to the adjacent building, server racks, security cameras, key card access, and concrete foundation. Scope to also include site work, pad preparation, and concrete asphalt patch back as required for conduit installation. The agreement completion time is 130 calendar days.
The selection process was conducted in accordance with City policy and procedure and State law. The costs proposed for this project have been evaluated by staff and determined to be reasonable.
Fiscal Impact
Account No.
Fund Name
Program Name
Dollar Amount
CIP Funded Y/N
Capital Grants
Citywide Fiber Upgrade
Location Map
Agreement DS2201.401
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