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City Council Memorandum Fire Memo No.
June 27, 2024
Mayor and Council
Joshua H. Wright, City Manager
Tadd Wille, Assistant City Manager
Thomas Dwiggins, Fire Chief
Haley Bartosik, Senior Management Analyst
Resolution No. 5819 Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Extension between the City of Chandler and the Chandler County Island Fire District for the Provision of Emergency Services
Proposed Motion:
Move City Council pass and adopt Resolution No. 5819 approving an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) extension between the City of Chandler and the Chandler County Island Fire District for the provision of emergency services.
The Chandler Fire Department (CFD) has provided emergency medical and fire protection services to the Chandler County Island Fire District ("Fire District") since 2009. In 2019, CFD entered into the current IGA with the Fire District under which it is providing emergency services. The current IGA is set to expire on June 30, 2024, and contains an option to renew for an additional five (5) year term. CFD will continue to provide the same services as currently outlined in the existing IGA for the additional five-year term beginning on July 1, 2024.
Per the existing IGA, CFD’s scope of services includes a response to calls for fire protection services for property within the Fire District, provided that the City is paid for all costs associated with these services. Fire protection services include services related to fire suppression, fire prevention, fire inspection, and emergency medical services. The City provides services to the Fire District in the same manner that it provides services within the City’s jurisdictional limits. The City is also responsible for providing fire and emergency medical dispatch services for incidents within the Fire District, as well as utilizing the same radio transmitting and receiving equipment that it utilizes within its own jurisdiction. On an annual basis, the City responds to an average of 250 compensated calls for service within the Fire District.
Financial Implications:
The financial implications will remain as detailed within the current IGA. The IGA requires the Fire District to pay for emergency services provided by CFD based on the payment formula outlined within the Agreement. The formula utilizes the Department’s annual budget, City of Chandler Primary Assessed Value (AV), County Island Assessed Value, and direct costs associated with service (staffing for the water tender, dispatch costs, vehicle replacement costs etc.). These values are used to create a calculated combined rate per $100 of Assessed Value. This rate is then applied back to the County Island Assessed Value to determine the annual fee. In FY 2023-24, the combined AV was 1.8727, with the CCIFD Primary AV at $59,689,009. The resulting annual fee for FY 2024-25 for CCIFD is $1,117,796.
Resolution No. 5819
CCIFD IGA Extension
Original IGA_2019
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