The conditional use is consistent with the objectives of the Zoning Code and the purpose of the Zone in which the site is located.
“The Light Industrial (LI) zone applies to areas of the City appropriate for clean and quiet industries in proximity to commercial development, including manufacturing, warehousing, and related uses with limited and screened exterior storage. The LI zone establishes a transitional area between commercial and heavy industrial areas; while at the same time it is applied to areas of the City as a freestanding industrial zone.” (Flagstaff Zoning Code 10-40.30.050)
The LI zone allows Café uses with the granting of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). The primary reason for the CUP is to protect the uses that are allowed by right which may be incompatible with the use needing a CUP. The current use of a Coffee Roastery is permitted outright as General Light Industrial use. The conditionally permitted Café use and supplementary retail area is complementary to the main Light Industrial use.