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City Council Work Session
Meeting Date:
David Pedersen, Capital Improvements Project Manager
Engineering and Capital Improvements
Michelle McNulty
John Wesley Powell (JWP) Project Update
JWP Team will provide an update on the status of the JWP Project. The update will also include time to answer questions from Council.
Executive Summary:
This update to Council will include the latest information on the JWP alignment, the status and rescoping of the Specific Plan, and a discussion on the anticipated timelines for project design and construction.
Connection to PBB Key Community Priorities/Objectives & Regional Plan: Sustainable, Innovative Infrastructure Utilize existing long-range plan(s) that identify the community's future infrastructure needs and all associated costs Environmental Stewardship Actively manage and protect all environmental and natural resources Council Goal 2017 – 2019 - Transportation and Other Public Infrastructure Deliver quality community assets and continue to advocate and implement a highly performing multi-modal transportation system. Council Goal 2017 – 2019 - Environmental and Natural Resources Actively manage and protect all environmental and natural resources Region Plan Goal – Environmentally Sensitive Lands Goals and Policies Goal E&C.7. Give special consideration to environmentally sensitive lands in the development design and review process. Team Flagstaff Strategic Plan – Priority 3 Deliver outstanding services through a healthy environment, resources, and infrastructure. Has There Been Previous Council Decision on This: The JW Powell Extension Project has been before City Council nine times in the past seven years. •25 October 2016 (Council Work Session) - Discussion on Infrastructure and Public Facilities Planning and Engineering in the John Wesley Powell Boulevard area. •6 February 2018 (Council Meeting) - Award of contract to Peak Engineering for design and planning services. •24 April 2020 (Council Budget Retreat) - JW Powell Blvd Extension discussed during the Capital Programming update. •27 October 2020 (Council Work Session) – Land Use Framework and engineering design update shared for the original alignment. •5 October 2021 (Council Meeting) – Project update and Change Order 4 approved by Council. •31 March 2022 (Five-Year Summary Retreat) – JW Powell Blvd Extension discussed in project prioritization. •22 April 2022 (Council Budget Retreat) – JW Powell Blvd Extension discussed during the Capital Programming update. •28 June 2022 (Council Meeting) – Council direction sought on proposed alignment for new roadway. •7 July 2022 (Council Meeting) – Council finalized proposed alignment for new roadway. •30 May 2023 (Council Meeting) – Project update and discussion on Specific Plan and Scope of Change Order 5. Background/History: On 20 February 2018, City Council approved the contract with Peak Engineering, Inc. for the John Wesley Powell Area Specific Plan Study to develop a Specific Plan to guide the future private development of public infrastructure, utilities and public facilities (schools, fire/police stations, libraries, parks, etc.). In November 2018, voters approved Proposition 419 which allocated a proportional share of funding for roadway and bike and pedestrian improvements along the future John Wesley Powell Boulevard extension. On 27 October 2020, City Staff and the JW Powell Design Team presented an update to City Council regarding the current design work and the Land Use Framework. On 28 January 2021, the JW Powell Design Team conducted a corporate meeting with the small-parcel property owners and consequential one-on-one meetings with small-parcel property owners who requested to meet regarding specifics to their respective parcels. Starting in May 2021, the JW Powell Design Team began to meet with the large-parcel property owners individually. On 28 June and 7 July 2022, City Council, along with copious community input, selected the final alignment for the new JWP roadway extension. The final alignment shifts the alignment to the west and out of the South Fourth Street corridor.
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