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City Council Work Session
Meeting Date:
Denae Presler, Climate Analyst
Jennifer Brown, Facilities and Fleet Section Director
Presentation on City of Flagstaff Fleet Electrification Assessment and Efforts
This is an informational presentation for the City Council and Flagstaff community.
Executive Summary:
Consultants will provide an overview of the results from the recently completed City of Flagstaff Fleet Electrification Assessment. The assessment identifies opportunities to integrate electric vehicles (EVs) into the municipal fleet, considers future charging infrastructure needs, and calculates potential costs, savings, and greenhouse gas emissions reductions from fleet electrification. Staff will discuss how this assessment fits into other current fleet electrification efforts, including the status of the City’s EV fleet, overarching policy and approach, and upcoming EV procurement and charging infrastructure projects.
The assessment was provided by Arizona Public Service (APS) through the APS Fleet Advisory Services Program, at no charge to the City of Flagstaff. APS hired
as the consultant to conduct the assessment. The scope included an analysis of 361 City vehicles and a charging infrastructure build-out strategy for four City facilities: City Hall, the Police Department’s Law Enforcement Administrative Facility (LEAF), the Core Services campus, and Thorpe Park. Over a 10-month period, City staff from Fleet Services, Sustainability, Procurement, Finance, Police, and other Divisions provided information on vehicle fleet makeup, operations, and existing charging infrastructure and worked with consultants and APS representatives to review and refine assumptions and analytics.
Results of the consultants report indicate significant opportunities to integrate EVs into the municipal fleet, with the potential to save $860,000 per year in total cost of ownership (i.e., vehicle cost, fuel costs, and maintenance costs combined). City staff has not been able to independently verify the model or calculations at this time. However, there are significant barriers to implementing fleet-wide electrification, such as market availability of EVs and suitability for City operations (particularly for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles), and financial feasibility of deploying the necessary charging infrastructure. The City will continue its EV-first approach to transition the municipal fleet to electric vehicles and reduce the City’s contribution to climate change where opportunities exist to confidently meet operational needs and remain fiscally responsible.
Staff and consultants will provide information on the following topics:
Fleet Electrification Assessment, presented by DNV:
Opportunities to integrate electric vehicles into the City’s fleet
Potential cost savings associated with fleet electrification
Charging infrastructure considerations
Recommendations, considerations, and challenges to fleet electrification
Fleet Electrification Efforts, presented by City staff:
Elements of Strategic Fleet Electrification
Fleet market availability and suitability
Electric fleet status, policy, and approach
Planned electric vehicle procurement
Planned charging infrastructure projects
EV Policy
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