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Agenda Item 11.
City Council Regular Session Agenda
Meeting Date:
Item Title:
Interlocal Agreement with Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) for Public Transportation Improvements
Submitted By:
Matt Watson
Summary of Request/Problem
On September 27, 2022, the DART Board of Directors approved DART's Fiscal Year 2023 Budget, which included $214.3 million in distribution of DART revenue to the Service Area Cities. Additionally, on October 25, 2022, the DART Board accepted $19.7 million from the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) and the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG). This additional funding allowed DART to maximize the benefit to each Service Area City by distributing the most advantageous allocation, whether sales tax or population. The City of Garlands allocation is calculated based on the 2020 census population and totals $20,963,000.
On November 15, 2022, the DART Board approved an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with DART Service Area Cities for public transportation improvements, which includes information about the City of Garlands obligations, project eligibility, and terms for accepting the money. DART has requested that this ILA be executed by January 31, 2023.
Based on the terms listed in the ILA, eligible project's must be submitted to DART for approval by January 31, 2024, and must be related to improvements of, or provide a benefit to, DART's Public Transportation System and/or provide Complementary Transportation Services. Complementary Transportation Services are defined in the ILA as (a) special transportation services for a person who is elderly or has a disability; (b) medical transportation services; (c) assistance in street modifications as necessary to accommodate the Public Transportation System; and (d) any other service that complements DART’s Public Transportation System, including providing parking garages. For most projects, up to 10% of the project cost will be disbursed to the City of Garland upon approval of the project by DART with an additional 40% of the approved cost of the project disbursed after receipt of notice to proceed by the City to its contractor. The remainder of the funds will be disbursed at substantial completion of the project. Eligible projects must achieve substantial completion by January 30, 2026.
Recommendation/Action Requested and Justification
Approve by minute action the attached Interlocal Agreement, which authorizes the City Manager to execute the Interlocal Agreement with DART. Based on the terms and conditions of this agreement, staff will evaluate eligible projects and bring forward recommendations to City Council at a future meeting.
Interlocal Agreement with DART
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