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Item 1.3.c.
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
Meeting Date:
Item Title:
Capital Improvement Projects Update
Mark Ellender, Parks Planning Administrator, and Keith Reagan, Administrative Services Manager, will provide an update to the board and be available to answer questions.
Background/Additional Information:
Each year, the Budget Department provides priorities and guidelines to help departments adjust plans for projected debt issuance in the upcoming calendar year. Departments submitted their CIP updates in October, and the City Manager began meeting with each department in November. These meetings review department priorities, schedules, projected debt issuance, and Council priorities, with a final decision from the City Manager anticipated in December.
The tentative schedule has the City Manager presenting the proposed 2025 CIP to the City Council at the January 6 meeting, with public access to the proposed CIP starting the following day. A special work session is scheduled for Saturday, January 11, 2025, for a detailed CIP presentation. The Council’s consideration and adoption of the Proposed CIP is tentatively set for the February 4 Regular City Council meeting. Attached are copies of the 2024 Adopted CIP - Parks Project Summary and the Preliminary Calendar for the 2025 CIP.
Budget Calendar
2024 CIP
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