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Work Session Item 3.b.
City Council Work Session Agenda
Meeting Date:
Item Title:
TxDOT Operation Slowdown Grant 2023
Submitted By:
Jeffrey Bryan
Strategic Focus Areas
Safe Community
Council is requested to consider accepting a Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Operation Slowdown Grant for 2023.
1. Accept TxDOT STEP Operation Slowdown grant funding.
2. Do Not Accept TxDOT STEP Operation Slowdown grant funding.
Staff recommends Council accept TxDOT grant funding for the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Operation Slowdown Grant, for education, awareness, and increased safety during the period of July 11 to August 2, 2023.
Unless otherwise directed by Council, this item will be scheduled for formal consideration at the June 20, 2023, Regular Meeting.
The Garland Police Department has successfully participated in STEP enforcement grants for many years. The purpose of this grant is to increase effective enforcement and adjudication of traffic safety-related laws to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes, as well as public information and education efforts during the enforcement period. Enforcement of these efforts will be focused throughout the City of Garland.
The grant for the time period is in the amount of $6,257.26. If accepted, TxDOT will reimburse the City of Garland $4,992. The grant requires the City to provide $1,265.26 in matching funds. This will be accomplished in part through fringe benefits expenditures and direct costs. Consequently, the City can satisfy the contractual match requirements without expending any additional funds.
Ops Slowdown Resolution 2023
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