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Work Session Item 3.a.
City Council Work Session Agenda
Meeting Date:
Item Title:
2023 Capital Improvement Program Budget Amendment No. 1
Submitted By:
Allyson Bell Steadman
Strategic Focus Areas
Sound Governance and Finances
Amend the 2023 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to appropriate $400,000 to construct a new downtown Visitor Center, and request City Council authorization for the City Manager to execute a Job Order Contract (JOC) for construction not to exceed $400,000 in order to expedite project completion.
Approve CIP Budget Amendment No. 1 with authorization for the City Manager to enter into a Job Order Contract not to exceed $400,000.
Approve CIP Budget Amendment No. 1 without authorization for the City Manager to enter into a Job Order Contract requiring a subsequent Purchase Award approval by City Council.
Do not approve CIP Budget Amendment No. 1 or authorization.
Option (1) – Approve CIP Budget Amendment No. 1 with authorization for the City Manager to enter into a Job Order Contract not to exceed $400,000. Unless otherwise directed by Council, this item will be scheduled for formal consideration at the June 20, 2023, Regular Meeting.
The downtown Visitor Center is tucked away from the square in a less visible location for visitors to access. Staff is proposing the relocation of the visitor center to the corner of the Economic Development Suite, adjacent to the Downtown Square. Making the move during the square reconstruction project would demonstrate the City's ongoing commitment to improving the visitor experience and affirming itself as an active partner in bringing more activity and revenue to downtown. The goal is to complete the construction of the relocated visitor center in early Fall 2023. Over time, staff plans to implement interactive and experiential displays to highlight products made in Garland and share informational brochures with a more tailored and organized approach that makes it easy to create complete itineraries. In addition, staff will incorporate micro-visitor information points, such as kiosks and outdoor brochure holders, located in places where people congregate around the city. Approval of this CIP Amendment and authorization for the City Manager to execute a Job Order Contract for construction not to exceed $400,000 would allow this relocation to be completed in early Fall 2023.
Staff seeks the Council's approval to transfer $400,000 from the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund to the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Fund for the relocation of the visitor center project. The transfer will be reflected in the FY 2022-23 Revised Operating Budget.
Visitor Center Remodel Sketch
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