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Agenda Item 14.f. |
City Council Regular Session Agenda |
Approval of a Specific Use Provision for an Automated/Rollover Car Wash use on a property zoned Community Retail (CR) District. Approval of a Plan for an Automated/Rollover Car Wash Use. LOCATION 2461 Belt Line Road |
Harold Peek |
Because the Plan Commission did not have the minimum five (5) votes for approval per the Bylaws, the Plan Commission’s recommendation is considered denial for 1) a Specific Use Provision for an Automated/Rollover Car Wash Use on a property zoned Community Retail (CR) District and 2) a Plan for an Automated/Rollover Car Wash Use. |
Denial of a Specific Use Provision for a Car Wash, Automated/Rollover use on a property zoned Community Retail (CR) District. Denial of a Plan for a Car Wash, Automated/Rollover use. Staff finds that a car wash use is inconsistent with the Compact Neighborhoods designation. In addition, when considering the recently adopted Economic Development Strategic Plan, consideration should be given to whether certain automotive-related uses such as a car wash and similar “stand-alone commercial” that require zoning changes are the best use of land at this location. |
The subject property has an approved SUP for a Commercial Outdoor Amusement Use; however, the site was never developed. The applicant proposes to open an automated/rollover car wash. The GDC requires a Specific Use Provision for an Automated/Rollover Car Wash use in the Community Retail (CR) District. A previous request for a Car Wash was withdrawn; however, a new application for the same Car Wash proposal by the applicant has been made. The previous case was heard by the Plan Commission on February 13th, 2023, and the Commission, by a vote of eight (8) to one (1), recommended approval the request for thirty (30) years for an Automated/Rollover Car Wash use. |
The site is 1.185 acres. The site is accessed from two entrances on a mutual access easement that leads to the Nursing Home to the North and is accessed from Belt Line Road. |
The subject property is zoned Community (CR) District, with a previous SUP [S 10-32] for a Commercial Outdoor Amusement Use which was not developed. The Community Retail (CR) District is intended to accommodate a variety of retail, service, and business establishments that may or may not be designed in a shopping center configuration. The district may be used as a transition district between lower intensity retail or office uses and more intense uses. A Community Retail (CR) District is generally appropriate along major transportation corridors but is generally not appropriate in proximity to low-density residential districts without significant buffering and screening features. An example of allowed use in a CR district is a retail shopping area that may be large in scale with very limited or no outside storage. Traffic generated by uses in a Community Retail (CR) District must be focused onto the major thoroughfare network. Development in a Community Retail (CR) District may not be designed in a manner that increases traffic through residential areas. |
- The applicant proposes to construct a 4,998 square-foot automated/rollover car wash.
The GDC defines a Car Wash, Automated/Rollover as a “Washing, waxing, or cleaning of automobiles involving automated self-service (drive-through/rollover) wash bays and apparatuses.”
- The applicant requests that the refuse container may be in front of the building as opposed to behind the building per the GDC, due to site design challenges and safety accommodations. It should be noted the refuse container opening would face away from the public street view, as well as be screened by GDC approved shrubs and a tree.
- The applicant is requesting approval of a thirty (30) year Specific Use Provision. The SUP Time Period Guide recommends a range of twenty-five (25) to thirty (30) years.
- The hours of operation will be 8:00 am to 8:00 pm every day of the week.
The Future Land Use Map of the Envision Garland Plan recommend Compact Neighborhoods for the subject site. Compact neighborhoods provide areas for moderate increases in residential density, including single-family attached and single-family detached housing. It expands housing options through infill and redevelopment, while continuing walkable development patterns. These areas provide transitions between traditional residential neighborhoods and higher density residential neighborhoods and non-residential developments. These areas accommodate uses such as convenience retail (goods and services), office space, and public services. The architectural character and scale of these areas are compatible with adjacent residential development. |
The property to the East is zoned Community Retail District and contains a restaurant. To the East of that, a property zoned Community Retail (CR) District contains a car wash, self-service/wand. The property to the North contains a Nursing home zoned Planned Development (PD) District 14-49 for Multi-Family use. The property to the West is a private school zoned Planned Development (PD) District 97-01 for Community Office (CO) District uses. The property to the South contains a church and is zoned Community Retail (CR) District. |