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Item 1.2.a.
2023 Board of Adjustment
Meeting Date:
23-MA-00002 – 301 W Avenue E
Jose G. Alonso, the owner of Lot 15 Block B, in the Fairfield Addition, more commonly known as 301 W Ave E, is requesting permission to maintain a 750 sq. ft. metal carport in the side yard of the residence 9.4’ on one side and 9.7’ on the other side from the property line adjacent to S. Third Street. Section 2.59(A)(1) of the Garland Development Code prohibits metal carports from being located in the side yard adjacent to a street. Section 2.72(B)(2) of the Garland Development Code establishes 10 ft as the required side yard setback along S. Third Street. A variance to allow the carport to encroach .6’ and .3’ into the required side yard setback and a variance to allow a metal carport within the required side yard adjacent to a street would be necessary to allow the carport to remain on the property.
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