The Board of Adjustment of the City of Garland convened in regular session at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 16, 2023, in the City Council Chambers, 200 North Fifth Street, Garland, Texas, with the following members:
John Kaiwi, Board Member
John McDonald, Chairman
James VanDyke, Board Member
Bruce Bishop, Vice Chair
Margaret Bice, Board Member
Bruce Astin, 2nd Vice Chair
Susan Nye, Board Member
Wesley Johnson, Board Member
Herman Puckett, Board Member
Staff Present:
Stephen Hines, Sr. Assistant City Attorney
Donna Fields, Asst. Building Official
Samantha Morrow, Recording Secretary
Amabilia Rincon, Asst. Recording Secretary
Consideration of the minutes for the July 19, 2023 meeting.
Motion was made by
Board Member James VanDyke,
and seconded by
Board Member John Kaiwi to approve the minutes of the July 19, 2023 with corrections.
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23-MA-00002 – 301 W Avenue E
Jose G. Alonso, the owner of Lot 15 Block B, in the Fairfield Addition, more commonly known as 301 W Ave E, is requesting permission to maintain a 750 sq. ft. metal carport in the side yard of the residence 9.4’ on one side and 9.7’ on the other side from the property line adjacent to S. Third Street. Section 2.59(A)(1) of the Garland Development Code prohibits metal carports from being located in the side yard adjacent to a street. Section 2.72(B)(2) of the Garland Development Code establishes 10 ft as the required side yard setback along S. Third Street. A variance to allow the carport to encroach .6’ and .3’ into the required side yard setback and a variance to allow a metal carport within the required side yard adjacent to a street would be necessary to allow the carport to remain on the property.
Maritza Olivo of 301 W Avenue E, Garland, TX, was present to testify on behalf of Jose G. Alonso.
Motion was made by
Board Member Susan Nye,
and seconded by
Vice Chair Bruce Bishop to divide the variance request into two separate variances. The first variance would be to consider the setback requirements of the carport and the second variance would be the consideration of the material of the carport.
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Motion was made by
Board Member Susan Nye,
and seconded by
Vice Chair Bruce Bishop to approve the setbacks of the carport as proposed.
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Motion was made by
Board Member Susan Nye,
and seconded by
Board Member John Kaiwi to deny the metal carport; the Board also informed the applicant to contact Building Inspection Dept. to discuss their options to bring it into compliance.
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7:20 p.m.
Submitted By:
John McDonald, Chairman
Samantha Morrow, Secretary
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