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AI# 12023
Regular City Council Meeting
Agenda Item
Resolution - Engineering:
Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Professional Services Contract 17669, with dredgeSMART, for professional design services of the Terminal Storage Reservoir Improvements Project.
Item Summary
The City of Lubbock’s Terminal Storage Reservoir (TSR) at the North Water Treatment Plant (NWTP) was designed to have a 30-day water supply. Based on visual inspection, it has been estimated that the TSR supply has been reduced to around a 15-day water supply due to sedimentation and debris buildup over the years from its original commissioning.
This contract will allow for testing of the sedimentation and the design of the TSR Dredging plan. Due to the constraints of the TSR, dredgeSMART will determine what dredging operation best suits the City of Lubbock’s needs; and will consist of an updated survey, sedimentation testing for disposal requirements, and a construction plan set that will be utilized for bidding.
Staff recommends approval of this contract based upon fair and reasonable fees agreed for a total amount not to exceed $188,900 with a contract time of 90 calendar days.
Fiscal Impact
This Professional Services Agreement is for $188,900 and is funded in Capital Improvements Project 92804, North Terminal Storage Reservoir Improvements.
Staff/Board Recommending
Erik Rejino, Assistant City Manager
Michael G. Keenum, P.E., Division Director of Engineering/ City Engineer
Professional Services Agrmt
Location Exhibit
Budget Detail
CIP Detail
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