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AI# 12026
Regular City Council Meeting
Agenda Item
Resolution - Engineering:
Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Professional Services Agreement Contract 17636, with Halff Associates, Inc., for engineering services for the reconstruction of Upland Avenue from 19th Street to 34th Street.
Item Summary
On November 8, 2022, Lubbock voters approved issuance of a $200 million Street Improvements Bond Package for the purpose of providing permanent public improvements. The funding will acquire, construct and reconstruct street improvements, including but not limited to sidewalks, utility line relocations and traffic signalization, necessary and related storm drainage facilities, and the acquisition of land and rights-of-way for the full width dedication.
Upland Avenue from 19th Street to 34th Street is currently a 2-lane paved road and is designated in the 2018 Master Thoroughfare Plan to become a 5-lane modified principal arterial roadway. Continued growth in northwest Lubbock has increased traffic demands along the north Upland Avenue street corridor from 19th Street to 34th Street. Professional Services Agreement 17636 will provide full design of a 3-lane all-weather roadway with consideration of ultimate build-out of 5 lanes.
Staff conducted contract negotiations with Halff Associates, Inc. after establishing them as qualified under RFQ 21-15876-JM for providing engineering services. Fair and reasonable hourly rates were agreed upon for a total contract amount of $1,280,700, with an 18-month contract duration. Staff recommends award of the contract to Halff Associates, Inc. of Fort Worth, Texas, to provide the plans, specifications, estimates, and bid phase services, for Upland Avenue from 19th Street to 34th Street.
Fiscal Impact
This contract is not to exceed $1,280,700, and is funded in Capital Improvements Project 92816, Upland Avenue: 19th Street to 34th Street-22B.
Staff/Board Recommending
Erik Rejino, Assistant City Manager
Michael G. Keenum, P.E., Division Director of Engineering/City Engineer
Professional Service Contract
Location Exhibit
Budget Detail
CIP Detail
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