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AI# 12034
Regular City Council Meeting
Agenda Item
Resolution - Lubbock Power & Light:
Consider a resolution determining that condition #7 in the Customer Choice Resolution adopted by the City Council on February 22, 2022, related to the sufficiency of the number of retail electric providers, including a sufficient number of independent, unaffiliated retail electric providers within the Electric Reliability Council of Texas market, has been satisfied, such that competitive customer choice can be adequately provided to customers within the Lubbock Power & Light certificated service area.
Item Summary
In a Resolution passed on February 15, 2022, the Electric Utility Board (EUB) irrevocably chose to offer customer choice through retail competition to electric utility customers of Lubbock Power & Light (LP&L). The Resolution provided that customer choice would commence when certain enumerated conditions were met, one of which was that the EUB and the City Council must determine that there are, and will continue to be a sufficient number of retail electric providers, including a sufficient number of independent, unaffiliated retail electric providers, within the ERCOT market who are willing and able to provide service in Lubbock to adequately provide competitive customer choice for LP&L’s certificated area. The City of Lubbock adopted the same resolution effective on February 22, 2022.
As of this summary date, 32 branded REPs have signed Access Agreements with LP&L and are ready to operate at market open. An additional 9 REPs have signed Access Agreements but will not be ready to operate here that soon. These numbers represent 27 different REPs and 11 different parent companies.The number of REPs intending to compete for customers in the Lubbock area compares favorably to the number currently operating in several other Texas cities comparable in terms of size and location to Lubbock.
Furthermore, the activity and interest expressed by REPs about the opening of the Lubbock market strongly suggest that customers will receive active marketing, helpful information, and competitive pricing from a variety of REPs focusing on different segments of the customer market.
Fiscal Impact
The fiscal impact of opening the Lubbock market to competition has been extensively analyzed, and all possible steps have been taken to control the costs, recognizing that it is significant.
Staff/Board Recommending
Joel Ivy, Director of Electric Utilities
Electric Utility Board
Resolution - CC
Resolution - EUB
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