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AI# 12888
Regular City Council Meeting
Agenda Item
Resolution - Planning:
Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Purchasing Order Contract 10027872, with SHI Government Solutions, Inc. for short-term rental permitting, compliance, and Hotel Occupancy Tax collection software utilizing Buy Board Contract 661-22.
Item Summary
On July 9, 2019, the City of Lubbock contracted with MUNIRevs, Inc. dba LODGINGRevs, for short-term rental regulation development, permitting, compliance, and hotel occupancy tax (“HOT”) collection within the incorporated boundaries of the City. At the time, Short Term Rentals (STR) had increased in popularity and prevalence, and the City of Lubbock had no formal policy, procedures, or regulations to monitor and enforce compliance for homes used as STRs. Additionally, STRs were required to collect and remit hotel occupancy taxes, but without a way of identifying and registering these properties as STRs, the City had no means to enforce payment compliance. The contract with MUNIRevs, Inc. allowed staff the ability to regulate and enforce STR compliance within the City of Lubbock.
In August of 2021, GovOS purchased MUNIRevs, Inc.,and staff along with customers have encountered multiple issues since the change to GovOS. Accordingly, after assessing multiple service providers, staff is recommending that the City Council approve the contract with SHI Government Solutions, Inc. which owns Deckard Technologies, to repalce GovOS. Deckard Technologies provides short-term rental permitting, compliance, and hotel occupancy tax (“HOT”) collection services.
Fiscal Impact
The cost of the contract is $69,125 and is funded in the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Planning Operating Budget.
Staff/Board Recommending
Erik Rejino, Assistant City Manager
Kristen Sager, Director of Planning
Resolution - SHI Government Solutions
Purchase Order - SHI Government Solutions
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