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AI# 11149
Regular City Council Meeting
Agenda Item
Resolution - Facilities Management:
Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Service Contract No. 16747, with Genserve, LLC dba L.J. Power Generators, Inc., for fixed generator repair and maintenance of City-owned generators at various locations.
Item Summary
This $198,250.00 contract includes services related to the repair and maintenance of City-owned generators. The City of Lubbock solicited qualified vendors for this project via RFQ 22-16747-KM. The responsive vendors were evaluated using the following criteria: Local service center and response time after notification of emergency repairs needed (25 points), Experience on Qualifications (30 points), and Price (45 points). Committee members included staff from Facilities Management, and they provided the following scores:
Possible 100 Points
Genserve, LLC dba L/J. Power, Grand Prairie, Texas
Stewart and Stevenson, Lubbock, Texas
Incomplete Bid
Based on these scores, the Selection Committee is recommending Genserve, LLC dba L/J. Power of Grand Prairie, Texas. The proposed duration of the contract is for a term of one year plus 4 one-year extensions.
Fiscal Impact
The total contract is $198,250 and will be funded from different cost centers based on generator location. Funds are available in the current budget in the various cost centers.
Staff/Board Recommending
Erik Rejino, Assistant City Manager
T.J. Carpenter, Interim Director of Facilities Management
Darren Densford, Interim Director of Facilities Management
Contract 16747
Project Summary 16747
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