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AI# 11212
Regular City Council Meeting
Agenda Item
Resolution - City Manager:
Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, a Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement, for the purchase of certain real property located in Block B, Section 2, Abstract 659, Lubbock County, Texas, owned by BNSF Railway Company.
Item Summary
The BNSF Railway Company desires to sell a portion of the railroad of Right-of-Way located at Block B, Section 2, Abstract 659, Lubbock, Texas, to the City of Lubbock, as outlined in Exhibit A of the Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement. The land will be used for a public purpose determined by the City at a later date.
Fiscal Impact
The purchase price of the land is $10,000 and is available in NonDepartmental Cost Center, 1115.9280, Capital Outlay Land.
Staff/Board Recommending
Erik Rejino, Assistant City Manager
Resolution - BNSF
BNSF Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agmt
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