Hold a Joint Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting and Public Hearing with the City Council and consider amending the Unified Development Code (Ordinance No. 2023-O0054), and zoning map including but not limited to proposed amendments to Sections 39.02.018.c, related to Residential Limited Use Standards, Table 39.02.004.c-2, related to SF-2 Lot Density and Dimensions, Table 39.02.004.d-2, related to MDR Lot Density and Dimensions, Table 39.03.023-2, related to Base Public and Nonresidential Districts Sign Standards, Section 39.10.002, related to Definitions, Section 39.07.041, related to Final Plats, Section 39.07.040, related to Preliminary Plats, Section 39.02.013, related to the South Overton Overlay (SOO), Section 39.02.016 and Table 39.02.016-1, related to the Land Use Matrix, Tables 39.02.004.c-1, 39.02.004.d-1, 39.02.004.d-3, 39.02.004.e-1, 39.02.004.e-3, and 39.03.009-1, related to Duplexes and Townhouses, Sections 39.02.004.a.7, 39.02.004.b.7, 39.02.004.c.7, 39.02.004.d.7, 39.02.004.e.7, related to Signs in Residential Districts for Non-Residential Uses, Table 39.02.004.e-2, related to HDR Lot Density and Dimensions, Section 39.06.002, related to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Section 39.02.020.d.7.C, related to Nonresidential and Mixed-Use Accessory Uses and Structures, Section 39.02.020.c., related to Residential Accessory Uses, Section 39.07.044, related to Waiver of Improvements, Section 39.07.045, related to Delay of Improvements, Section 39.02.018.e, related to Civic and Institutional Uses Limited Use Standards, Table 39.03.002-1, related to Building and Site Design Applicability, Table 39.02.004.c-3, related to SF-2 Off-Street Parking and Loading Schedule, Section 39.03.023.b.8, related to Monuments Signs, Table 39.04.005-3, related to Minimum Driveway Throat Length, Section 39.04.021.b, related to Recording of Plat and Dedication of Improvements, Table 39.03.016-1, related to District Bufferyard Standards, Section 39.02.020.b, related to General Accessory Uses and Structures, Section 39.04.012, related to Public Water Systems, Section 39.04.013, related to Public Wastewater Systems, Section 39.02.023, related to Specific Allowances, Table 39.02.022-1, related to Measurements, Sections 39.02.004.a.4.A, 39.02.004.b.4.A, 39.02.004.c.4.A, 39.02.004.d.4.A, and 39.02.004.e.4.A, related to Lot Density and Dimensions, Table 39.02.006.b-2, related to Office (OF) Lot Intensity and Dimensions, Section 39.07.004.f, related to Plat Filing, and review and approve written lists of all documentation and other information the municipality requires to be submitted with a plat application, as required by TLGC Section 212.0081.
Mayor McBrayer opened the public hearing at 6:48 p.m.
Terry Holeman, with the Developers Council of the West Texas Home Builders Association and Hugo Reed and Associates; Thomas Payne; and Gordon Wilkerson appeared to speak in favor.
Jim Baxa appeared to speak in opposition to proposed Amendment 23 (a supermajority requirement for City Council to overturn a recommendation of denial from the Planning and Zoning Commission); and Gretchen Scott, appeared to speak in opposition to proposed Amendment 47 (removing mural and sign area limitations).
Jim Baxa appeared to speak on commercial zoning; Mary Crites, architect and board member of the Urban Design/Historic Preservation Commission, appeared to speak on the Lubbock brick streets preservation ordinance; and Terry Holeman, with the Developers Council of the West Texas Home Builders Association and Hugo Reed and Associates; Thomas Payne; and Gordon Wilkerson appeared to speak on landscaping requirements.
Mayor McBrayer closed the public hearing at 7:59 p.m.
During the public hearing, the following individuals gave comments and answered questions from City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission: Terry Holeman, with the Developers Council of the West Texas Home Builders Association and Hugo Reed and Associates; Alex Scarborough; Cory Dulin, with AMD Engineering; Mary Crites, architect and board member of the Urban Design/Historic Preservation Commission; Kristen Sager, director of planning; Erik Rejino, assistant city manager; and Matt Wade, city attorney.