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AI# 12704
Regular City Council Meeting
Agenda Item
Board Appointments - City Secretary:
Consider appointments to the Upland Crossing Public Improvement District (PID) Advisory Board.
Item Summary
The Upland Crossing Public Improvement District (PID) Advisory Board consists of 5 property owners or representatives of property owners within the Upland Crossing PID, and these board members are elected by the Upland Crossing PID property owners.
Elections for the 3 eligible seats on the Upland Crossing PID Advisory Board were conducted at the annual Upland Crossing PID Property Owners' meeting held on July 11, 2024. In accordance with the bylaws, each property owner within the Upland Crossing PID was given one vote, per seat, per lot owned. Upland Crossing consists of 932 total lots, and 62 ballots were received.
The newly appointed board members will each serve 3-year terms, beginning on September 1, 2024.
The three individuals with the most votes are as follows:
Austin Lear
Darwin (Trey) Benton
Jordan Rodgers
Fiscal Impact
Staff/Board Recommending
Courtney Paz, City Secretary
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