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AI# 12718
Regular City Council Meeting
Agenda Item
Resolution - Lubbock Fire Rescue:
Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Service Contract 18122, with PesTex Pest Control, for professional pest control services in all Lubbock Fire Rescue facilities.
Item Summary
Lubbock Fire Rescue initiated an Invitation to Bid (ITB) for professional pest control. Services entail monthly spraying and baiting, etc., for all pests, to include common household bugs, spiders, and small rodents, in an effort to avert infestation.
In response to ITB 24-18122-YB, three vendors submitted the following bids.
Bid Price
PesTex Pest Control, Lubbock, Texas
Gafford Pest Control Services, Inc., Lubbock, Texas
Plunkett’s Pest Control, Fridley, Minnesota
Staff recommends award of the contract to the lowest bidder, PesTex Pest Control of Lubbock, Texas, for $11,964.
The contract will be for a term of one year, with the option of 4, one-year extensions, with term date beginning upon formal approval.
All stated square footage/acreage are approximations where services are to be rendered during the time period covered by pricing established by this bid. The number of pesticide applications may be more or less, and may be determined by actual need.
Fiscal Impact
Contract 18122 with PesTex Pest Control, for $11,964, is funded in the Lubbock Fire Rescue Operating Budget.
Staff/Board Recommending
Rob Keinast, Interim Fire Chief
Bid Tab
Project Summary
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