An Invitation to Bid (ITB) was issued for the excavation of materials and the installation of the liner system and associated items, for the West Texas Region Disposal Facility Cell 6. The ITB included the following bid alternatives:
1) Allowing concrete road repair;
2) Installing a new metal building to replace one in the way of construction; and
3) Using permanent metal poles for the required litter fencing.
This project will ensure that sufficient disposal capacity is available for the safe disposal of our waste and that of the region. In response to ITB 24-18166-TF, four contractors submitted the following bids:
Contractor |
Location |
Amount (with Bid Alternates) |
Montezuma, Kansas |
$5,752,393.75 |
4X Construction Group, LLC |
Mansfield, Texas |
$6,090,705.00 |
Hammett Excavation, Inc. |
Dodd City, Texas |
$6,874,035.03 |
D.E. Rice Construction Company, Inc. |
Borger, Texas |
$8,749,257.72 |
The City's Engineering Consultant, Parkhill, also evaluated these bids and performed reference checks. We recommend awarding the contract to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder, MJE, LLC of Montezuma, Kansas, in the amount of $5,752,393.75, including the bid alternates. Time for substantial completion is 270 consecutive calendar days from the Notice to Proceed. This contract is awarded by the unit price and actual expenditures may be more or less depending on field conditions. |