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AI# 12764
Regular City Council Meeting
Agenda Item
Resolution - Public Health Services:
Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement, and all related documents, for Intermediary Care Clinic funding, by and between the City of Lubbock and Lubbock County.
Item Summary
In May 2022, the City of Lubbock Public Health Department established a public health district between the City of Lubbock and Lubbock County, which expanded the services offered by the Public Health Department to the remainder of Lubbock County.
The Interlocal Cooperation Agreement will provide funding to help the City's operation of the Intermediary Care Clinic. The Intermediary Care Clinic is a human-centered clinic for vulnerable patients without access to a primary care provider. The vision of the clinic is to serve as a “Stop-Gap” for patients with critical medical and social needs that prevent them from receiving care in a traditional primary care setting. The clinic will provide physician-directed medical care and intensive case management to address social factors that inhibit adherence to medical recommendations.
Lubbock County is contributing a total of $120,000 toward administrative, personnel, and program-related costs incurred in connection with the City's operation of the Intermediary Care Clinic. The Intermediary Care Clinic will be funded by the City's American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds and the Lubbock County contribution. Since the City ARPA funds need to be expended, City funds will be used first, followed by County funds being used toward the end of the project. County contribution funds will not be used until FY 2025-26. A budget amendment will not be needed until County Funds are to be used.
Fiscal Impact
Lubbock County will contribute $120,000.
Staff/Board Recommending
Bill Howerton, Deputy City Manager
Katherine Wells, Director of Public Health
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