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AI# 12767
Regular City Council Meeting
Agenda Item
Ordinance 2nd Reading -
A. Consider Ordinance No. 2024-O0110, and take action on proposed amendments to the Unified Development Code (Ordinance No. 2023-O0054) recommended for adoption, limited to the following:
Section 39.02.018.c.1.A (related to Residential Uses in the SF-2, MDR, and HDR Districts)
Table 39.02.004.c-2 (related to SF-2 Lot Density and Dimensions)
Table 39.02.004.d-2 (related to MDR Lot Density and Dimensions)
Table 39.03.023-2 (related to Base Public and Nonresidential Districts Sign Standards)
Section 39.07.041 and the Final Plat Submission Checklist (related to Final Plat Document Requirements and Applicant Responsibilities)
Section 39.07.040 and the Preliminary Plat Submission Checklist (related to Preliminary Plat Document Requirements and Applicant Responsibilities)
Section 39.10.002 (related to Definitions)
Section 39.02.016, Table 39.02.004.c-1, Table 39.02.004.d-1, Table 39.02.004.d-3, Table 39.02.004.e-1, Table 39.02.004.e-3, Table 39.03.009-1 (related to the Land Use Matrix)
Section 39.07.041.j (related to Final Plat Recording)
Section 39.07.041.k.3 (related to Final Plat and Preliminary Plat Renewal and Expiration)
Section 39.07.040.b (related to Preliminary Plat Purpose)
Table 39.02.004.e-2 (related to HDR Lot Density and Dimensions)
Table 39.02.016-1 (related to Outdoor Storage in the Industrial Park District (IP))
Section 39.02.020.d.7.C (related to Nonresidential and Mixed-Use Accessory Uses and Structures)
Section 39.02.020.c (related to Residential Accessory Uses and Structures)
Section 39.07.044.b (related to Waiver of Improvements)
Section 39.07.045.b (related to Delay of Improvements)
Section 39.02.018.e (related to Limited Use Standards)
Table 39.03.002-1 (related to Building and Site Design Applicability)
Table 39.02.004.c-3 (related to SF-2 Off-Street Parking and Loading Schedule)
Table 39.04.005-3 (related to Minimum Driveway Throat Length)
Section 39.04.021.b (related to Recording of Plat and Dedication of Improvements)
Table 39.03.016-1 (related to District Bufferyard Standards)
Section 39.02.020.b.6 (related to Nonresidential and Mixed-Use Fences)
Section 39.04.012 (related to Public Water Systems)
Section 39.04.013 (related to Public Wastewater Systems)
Section 39.02.023.b.3 (related to Specific Allowances for Height Requirements)
Table 39.02.022-1 (related to setback measurements)
Section 39.02.023.d.3 (related to Contextual Rear Setbacks)
Section 39.02.004.a.4.A, Section 39.02.004.b.4.A, Section 39.02.004.c.4.A, Section 39.02.004.d.4.A, and Section 39.02.004.e.4.A (related to Lot Density and Dimensions)
Table 39.02.006.b-2 (related to Office (OF) Lot Intensity and Dimensions)
Section 39.07.004.f (related to Plat Filing)
Item Summary
The Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) and City Council held a joint public hearing on July 25, 2024, to discuss amending the Unified Development Code (Ordinance No. 2023-O0054). Additionally, consideration was given to written lists of all documentation and other information the municipality requires to be submitted with a plat application, as required by TLGC Section 212.0081.
On August 1, 2024, the PZC recommended adoption of amendments to the Unified Development Code by a vote of 7-0-0. The amendments approved by the City Council on first reading of the ordinance at their meeting on August 13, 2024 are attached.
***Proposed Amendments from the following Sections were postponed to the September 10, 2024 City Council meeting:
1. Table 39.03.023-2 (related to Base Public and Nonresidential Districts Sign Standards)
2. Section 39.02.004.a.7, Section 39.02.004.b.7, Section 39.02.004.c.7, Section 39.02.004.d.7, Section 39.02.004.e.7 (related to Signs in Residential Districts for Non-Residential Uses)
3. Section 39.03.023.b.8 (related to Monument Signs)
Fiscal Impact
Staff/Board Recommending
Erik Rejino, Assistant City Manager
Kristen Sager, Director of Planning
Planning and Zoning Commission
UDC Amendments Ordinance
UDC Amendments
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