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AI# 12774
Regular City Council Meeting
Agenda Item
Resolution - City Secretary:
Consider a resolution authorizing a joint election(s) with other eligible governmental units in Lubbock County, and authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract for services with Lubbock County and the eligible governmental units, for said joint election(s), through September 30, 2025.
Item Summary
Chapter 271 of the Texas Election Code provides for joint elections when an election is required on the same day by two or more political subdivisions occupying all or a part of the same territory. The City of Lubbock desires to contract with the Lubbock County Elections Office for election services for City elections. Other local political subdivisions within Lubbock County are also conducting elections on the same day and are also contracting with the Lubbock County Elections Office for election services.
Fiscal Impact
$350,000 has been requested to be appropriated in the FY 2024-25 Operating Budget (pending City Council approval) for any special elections during that fiscal year.
Staff/Board Recommending
Courtney Paz, City Secretary
Resolution - Election Contract
Contract - Election Services
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