The City will need major infrastructure upgrades to maintain an appropriate level of service to West Lubbock, including a new pump station, ground storage tank (GST), elevated storage tank (EST), and transmission pipelines. All of this infrastructure is necessary together in order to maintain the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)minimum requirements in the west Lubbock area in the near future. In order to expedite the West Lubbock Pump Station Project, City staff recommends procuring longer lead time items ahead of the pump station bid. An Invitation to Bid (IBT) was issued to supply the electrical equipment needed for the new pump station in West Lubbock, including a generator, switchboards, Variable Frequency Drives (VFD), and other long lead-time equipment. In response to ITB 24-18109-KM, the following bids were received and opened on June 25, 2024.
Contractor |
Amount |
***The Reynolds Company, Fort Worth, Texas |
$397,500 |
Winston Electric, Inc. dba Acme Electric Company, Lubbock, Texas |
$2,449,900 |
***The Reynolds Company’s bid did not include a generator, enclosures, or an Automatic Transfer Switch. Due to their choice to not submit a bid on these critical path lead-time items, their bid was not considered. Staff recommends award to the lowest responsible bidder, Winston Electric, Inc. dba Acme Electric Company of Lubbock, Tx, for $2,449,900. The contract will be for a term of 700 consecutive calendar days with final completion of the project within 730 consecutive calendar days. The equipment will be stored by the contractor upon delivery and installed with the construction of the proposed new pump station. |