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AI# 12779
Regular City Council Meeting
Agenda Item
Resolution - Public Works Water Utilities:
Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Contract 18032, with Blue Sky Plumbing, Corp., for installation of water Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) and meter boxes.
Item Summary
In 2019, the City contracted with Itron, Inc. to install advanced water metering infrastructure (AMI) for over 87,000 water meters. The scope of Itron’s work included both replacement of analog meters and retrofits on meters that were already AMI compatible. Near the end of Itron’s contract period, they returned to the utility approximately 5% of the analog meters that needed to be replaced with an AMI compatible meter. The water utility had over 2,000 analog meters remaining in the distribution system.
In 2023, a subcontractor was hired to complete the work, but the contractor left over 600 meters to be completed. These are mostly large meters and are currently being manually read each month. The purpose of this project is to complete the replacement of analog meters with AMI, and replace meter boxes where appropriate. The contract will ensure all specified areas are transitioned over to AMI in a reasonable time frame.
Requests for Proposals (RFPs) were solicited for Water Meter Infrastructure and Meter Box Installations.
In response to RFP 24-18032-KM, one proposal was received and evaluated on June 20, 2024, using the following criteria: 30 points for experience and qualifications, 30 points for approach and delivery of operations, and 40 points for price.
Points (Possible 100)
Blue Sky Plumbing, Corp., Lorenzo, Texas
The evaluation committee recommends awarding this contract to the highest ranked proposer, Blue Sky Plumbing, Corp. of Lorenzo, Texas, for $543,773.
Fiscal Impact
Contract 18032 with Blue Sky Plumbing, Corp. of Lorenzo, Texas for $543,773, is funded in Capital Improvement Project 92748, New Water Meter Sets & Meter Replacements.
Staff/Board Recommending
Erik Rejino, Assistant City Manager
Wood Franklin, P.E., Division Director of Public Works
Resolution - Blue Sky
Contract - Blue Sky
Pricing Summary Sheet
Budget Detail
Project Summary Sheet
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