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AI# 12785
Regular City Council Meeting
Agenda Item
Resolution - Public Works:
Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an amendment to the Interlocal Wholesale Water Sales Contract, with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, for the continued purchase of potable water supplying the John Montford Unit Correctional Facility.
Item Summary
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) manages and operates the John Montford Correctional Facility (Montford Unit) two miles southeast of Loop 289 on Highway 84 in Lubbock County. The TDCJ has been operating the John Montford Unit since 1994 and has been supplied with City of Lubbock potable water since opening.
On September 1, 2019, the City of Lubbock entered into a new water supply contract with the TDCJ. This contract was for a period of 5 years and is due to expire on August 31, 2024.
Supplying water to a correctional facility requires the installation of an elevated water storage tank to mitigate the risk of losing water service in the unlikely event of a line outage. Currently, the City of Lubbock operates and maintains the water line that runs outside the City limits to the Montford Unit, as well as the associated elevated storage tank and pump station that were constructed solely for the purpose of supplying water to the Montford Unit.
In order to relieve the City of Lubbock of continued operations and maintenance costs, Public Works desires to negotiate with TDCJ new terms of responsibility for the dedicated water supply infrastructure.
This amendment is necessary to extend the contract past the upcoming expiration date an additional 12 months to August 31, 2025, and to give time to negotiate new terms with TDCJ.
Fiscal Impact
Staff/Board Recommending
Erik Rejino, Assistant City Manager
Wood Franklin, P.E., Division Director of Public Works
Lubbock Water Advisory Commission
Resolution - TDCJ Water Supply Amendment
Amendment - TDCJ Water Supply
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