Presentation and discussion of the Proposed FY 2024-25 Operating Budget and Capital Program, and discuss all funds of the City, including but not limited to General Fund, Debt Service Fund, Internal Services, Enterprise Funds, Special Revenue Funds, Component Units, Related Entities, Debt and Debt Obligations, Capital Improvement Program, current and proposed American Rescue Plan Act Funds and uses, and related and associated items and use of such funds; and provide direction to the City Manager to make changes to said Budget.
Jarrett Atkinson, city manager, recognized the finance team, including Cheryl Brock, interim chief financial officer, and Melissa Trevino, assistant director of financial planning. Mr. Atkinson gave a presentation on the Proposed FY 2024-25 Operating Budget and Capital Program and answered questions from City Council. Discussion included, but was not limited to: FY 2023-24 report, FY 2024-25 executive overview, investments in employees and workforce, FY 2024-25 all funding and all expenses summary, excess reserves, property tax, sales tax, debt and investments, a general fund overview for the City Attorney, City Council, City Manager, City Secretary, Facilities, Finance, Human Resources, Internal Audit, Non-Departmental, Communications & Public Engagement, Building Safety, Code Enforcement, Environmental Health & Vector, Planning, Libraries, Museums, Parks & Recreation, Engineering, Solid Waste, Streets, Traffic, Animal Services, Emergency Management, Lubbock Fire Rescue, Municipal Court, Lubbock Police, and Public Health, and general fund capital projects including American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) project tracking, administrative services, culture and recreation, public safety, streets, traffic, and solid waste.
Cheryl Brock, interim chief financial officer; Colby VanGundy, director of parks and recreation; Joe Moudy, director of emergency management; Robert Keinast, interim fire chief; Joseph Wallace, president of the Lubbock Professional Firefighters Association; Jorge Hernandez, municipal court judge; Seth Herman, chief of police; and Katherine Wells, director of public health, gave comments and answered questions from City Council.
Discussion ensued among City Council regarding the presentation, requests for additional information on various topics, and further direction to the City Manager, as it relates to the proposed budget.