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Regular City Council Meeting
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Agenda Item
Resolution - City Manager:
Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to accept a Special Warranty Deed from Rocket Partners I, LLC, for 2.401 acres in Section 1, Block AK, Lubbock County, located east of Indiana Avenue and south of 140th Street, for the construction of Fire Station No. 20.
Item Summary
Rocket Partners I, LLC, is donating 2.401 acres of land to the City of Lubbock for the construction of the new Fire Station No. 20. The property is located east of Indiana Avenue and south of 140th Street, adjacent to the new South Patrol Division Station.
Fiscal Impact
The land is being donated, but transaction costs, such as title fees and all appropriate improvements necessary for construction, will be paid from Capital Project 92711 - Fire Station No. 20.
Staff/Board Recommending
Bill Howerton, Deputy City Manager
Resolution - Special Warranty Deed, Fire Station 20
Special Warranty Deed - Rocket Partners, LLC, Fre Station No. 20
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