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Regular City Council Meeting
Meeting Date:
Agenda Item
Resolution - Facilities Management:
Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Public Works Contract 16023, with Johnson General Contractors Group, LLC, for the renovations of the Abernathy Landfill Gate House, located at 17304 North FM 2528, Abernathy, Texas.
Item Summary
It is the intent of the specification that the new work will provide a watertight facility.
Scope of work includes:
• Removal of existing sealant at all masonry control joints, around doors, site joints, vertical skylight panel joints and penetrations on exterior wall elevations as described in the project specifications;
• Remove the existing widow units in their entirety;
• Remove existing seal, apron and install new window seal, apron (paint to match existing finish);
• Provide new perimeter 40 mil flexible flashing around new aluminum window units;
• Install new aluminum window units as specified, style, profile and color to match the existing windows;
• Cut glass and install a half round ticket window detail in glazing panels as indicated on the drawings;
• Remove interior drywall as shown the drawings and replace with new drywall materials with finish to match existing wall system as specified;
• Remove existing VCT tile from the concrete floor as specified and provide a (salt and pepper) grind and polish and seal with low sheen finish;
• Include an application of two coats of elastomeric coating to plaster elevations of the building as described in project specifications; and
• Install a new mini-split outdoor unit and mini-split indoor unit as per the schedule on the drawing.
Contractor will provide a 5-year warranty on labor and materials
In response to RFP 21-16023-KM, a sole proposal was received and opened on August 12, 2021, from Johnson General Contractors, in the amount of $112,600.
The Staff and Evaluation Committee recommend award of the contract to Johnson General Contractors of Lubbock, Texas, for $112,600. Time for completion is 90 Calendar Days with liquidated damages of $250 for each consecutive calendar day.
Fiscal Impact
The contract price of $112,600 is funded in Capital Improvements Project 8637, Abernathy Landfill - Gate House Renovations.
Staff/Board Recommending
Bill Howerton, Deputy City Manager
Budget Detail
CIP Detail
Project Summary
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