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Regular City Council Meeting
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Agenda Item
Resolution - Right-of-Way:
Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Street Use License/City Public Grounds Monitor Well Permit, with Daniel B. Stephens and Associates, Inc., a Geo-Logic Company, for installation of a groundwater monitoring well in the right-of-way of Vanda Avenue and 44th Street, Lubbock, Texas.
Item Summary
This street use license will allow Daniel B. Stephens and Associates, Inc., an environmental consulting firm, to install and maintain a groundwater monitor well on behalf of the Texas Environmental Commission (TCEQ), for collecting water samples in the right-of-way of Vanda Avenue at 44th Street, in connection with TCEQ Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST) #93997.
The term of this Street Use License/Groundwater Monitor Well Permit shall be for 5 years, and shall be automatically extended for successive 5-year terms, not to exceed 20 years. Pursuant to the terms of the License, upon completion of the testing, the permit holder agrees to restore, at its cost and expense, the portion of the right-of-way utilized in this procedure, to a condition which is equal to its existing condition. Staff recommends waiving the fees for the monitoring well.
Fiscal Impact
Staff/Board Recommending
Jesica McEachern, Assistant City Manager
Resolution - Monitor Well Permit, Stephens and Associates, Inc.
Street Use License - Monitor Well Permit, Stephens and Associates Inc.
Exhibit A - Monitor Well Permit, Stephens and Associates Inc.
Letter - Monitor Well Permit, Stephens and Associates Inc.
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