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Regular City Council Meeting
Meeting Date:
Agenda Item
Public Hearing - Planning:
Discuss and take appropriate action on an ordinance amending Chapter 40 “Zoning” of the City of Lubbock Code of Ordinances, amending Section 40.01.003 “Definitions” to add a definition for “Office/Warehouse”; amending Division 15 “C-3 General Retail District” to update General Provisions and Permitted Uses; and amending Section 40.03.2233 “C-4 Permitted Uses” to add “Office/Warehouse” setting forth regulations for outside storage in the “Office/Warehouse” use.
Item Summary
Recent zoning requests caused concerns amongst the City Council regarding the lack of an adequate Office/Warehouse land use. Although the City is currently writing a Unified Development Code (UDC), an update to the City's Zoning Code and land use regulations, the Council requested that staff update the current zoning code to provide for this use as soon as possible. While working with the UDC Council Subcommittee on this item, staff identified additional land uses and requirements that are also in need of updates based on past concerns. They are as follows:
Section 40.01.003 Definitions, adding a definition for “Office/Warehouse;”
Division 15 C-3 General Retail District, updating General Provisions and Permitted Uses; and
Section 40.03.2233 C-4 Permitted Uses, adding “Office/Warehouse” and setting forth regulations for outside storage in the “Office/Warehouse” use.
The Planning and Zoning Commission heard this amendment on September 2, 2021, and recommended approval of the request by a unanimous vote.
Fiscal Impact
Staff/Board Recommending
Jesica McEachern, Assistant City Manager
Planning and Zoning Commission
Ordinance Chapter 40 Amendment
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