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Any citizen wishing to appear before a regular meeting of the CBD TIF Advisory Board, regarding any matter posted on the agenda below, shall complete the sign-up form provided at the meeting, no later than 7:30 a.m. Speakers may only address items listed on the current agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes maximum, and if there are more than three speakers who wish to address the same item, the Board reserves the right to limit speakers. THE BOARD CANNOT DELIBERATE OR ACT ON MATTERS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA. No one appeared to speak. |
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The Board will approve the minutes from the Central Business District TIF Board Meeting of July 1, 2021.
Motion by David Alderson, seconded by Dan Williams, to approve the minutes from the Central Business District TIF Board Meeting of July 1, 2021.
Vote: 7-0 Motion carried by the Board
Other: Jason Coleman (ABSENT)
Kade Wilcox (ABSENT) |
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The Board will consider and take appropriate action for the Financial Report. Jared Campbell, senior financial analyst, gave a presentation and answered questions from the Board.
Motion by Jeff Dane, seconded by Brett McDowell, to approve the financial report.
Vote: 7-0 Motion carried by the Board
Other: Jason Coleman (ABSENT)
Kade Wilcox (ABSENT)
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The Board will consider and take appropriate action on design considerations for Broadway. No action was taken, by the Board, on this item. Council Member Jeff Griffith, chair of the Future Needs Committee, gave a presentation and answered questions from the Board. Council Members Shelia Patterson Harris and Latrelle Joy, members of the Future Needs Committee; and Wood Franklin, division director of public works, gave comments and answered questions from the Board. |
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The Board will consider and take appropriate action regarding a recommendation for the Downtown Civic Park. Mayor Pro Tem Steve Massengale, member of the Downtown Civic Park Advisory Committee, gave a presentation and answered questions from the Board.
Motion by Judge Curtis Parrish, seconded by Brett McDowell, to recommend that City Council proceed with development of the Downtown Civic Park at 1301 Broadway and utilize the Wind and Water Design Concept as presented by TBG Partners.
Vote: 7-0 Motion carried by the Board
Other: Jason Coleman (ABSENT)
Kade Wilcox (ABSENT)
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The Board will consider and take appropriate action regarding the Broadway Tunnel Public Art Project. Brianna Gerardi, business development director; and Chad Plunkett, a local artist who has been working on the Broadway Tunnel Public Art Project, gave comments and answered questions from the Board.
Motion by Suzanne Blake, seconded by David Alderson, to move forward with contract negotiations with Chad Plunkett regarding completion of the Broadway Tunnel Public Art Project.
Vote: 7-0 Motion carried by the Board
Other: Jason Coleman (ABSENT)
Kade Wilcox (ABSENT) |
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Master Developer Report - Marc McDougal and Mont McClendon Mont McClendon, city of Lubbock's downtown master developer/McDougal Properties, gave a presentation on the Master Developer Report and answered questions from the Board. |
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Downtown Projects Update - John Osborne, LEDA John Osborne, CEO for LEDA/Market Lubbock, Inc., gave a presentation and update on current downtown projects and answered questions from the Board. |
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Homeless Transition Center - David Alderson David Alderson, member of the Lubbock Homeless Haven Board of Directors, gave a presentation on the establishment of the Lubbock Homeless Haven and answered questions from the Board. |
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Master Plan Update - Brianna Gerardi *This item was deleted. |
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Downtown Parking Master Plan *This item was deleted.
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City Staff Update *This item was deleted. |
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Building Safety *This item was deleted.
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Planning *This item was deleted.
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Chairman Update *This item was deleted. |
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The Board will consider scheduling the next regular meeting. The suggested date is November 11, 2021, at 7:30 a.m. *This item was deleted. |