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AI# 11943
Regular City Council Meeting
Agenda Item
Public Hearing - Planning (District 6):
Consider a request for Zone Case 2538-KK, a request of Delta Land Surveying for Red Yucca 806 Investments LLC, for a zone change from Single-Family District (R-1) to Two-Family District (R-2), at 2402 Urbana Place, located north of 25th Street and west of Urbana Place, Parkdale Addition, Block 2, Lots 3 through 5, and consider an ordinance.
Item Summary
For detailed information on this request, please refer to the Planning Department Staff Report attached hereto. As noted in the report, staff recommends approval of this request. The Planning and Zoning Commission heard this case on September 7, 2023, and recommended denial of the request by a vote of 4-4-0. Therefore, a supermajority vote, or three-fourths of the governing body (6 out of 7 votes), is required for the request to be approved.
Fiscal Impact
Staff/Board Recommending
Erik Rejino, Assistant City Manager
Kristen Sager, Director of Planning
Planning and Zoning Commission
8.15 ZC2538-KK_Ordinance
8.15 ZC2538-KK_Report
8.15 ZC2538-KK_Documentation
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