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AI# 11949
Regular City Council Meeting
Agenda Item
Resolution - Engineering:
Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 1 to Contract 17265, with Plummer Associates, Inc., for an additional year to perform design services associated with the Reese Water Line Improvements Capital Improvements Project.
Item Summary
On March 23, 2021, the City of Lubbock partnered with the United States Air Force (USAF) in an effort to provide safe drinking water to contaminated wells within the City Limits near the former Reese Air Force Base operations. The USAF conducted extensive testing of private wells around the former Reese Air Force Base. Of the more than 500 wells tested, 231 groundwater wells have been found to have levels above the allowable concentrations, according to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).
This project will build water lines to service and potentially connect citizens onto City potable water services, if they agree to be connected.
On September 28, 2021, the City of Lubbock executed Contract 15838, with Plummer Associates, Inc., to perform or make provisions, at a minimum, for the following services as applicable:
Project Management of the Design, Survey, Inspection, Land Services for construction of approximately 6 miles of water line varying in sizes from 6 to 12 inches in diameter;
Coordination with the City, the USAF, and Citizens to meet all requirements of the Environmental Services Cooperative Agreement (ESCA), adopted by the City Council on March 23, 2021;
Provision of complete set of all necessary engineering drawings and specifications to successfully bid, award, and construct the project;
Provision of construction phase services, including a Resident Project Representative and an Engineer of Record services; and,
Comprehensive As-Built drawings upon completion of the work.
Amendment No. 1 to this contract will give additional time for Plummer and Associates, Inc. and their sub-consultants, to make progress acquiring the necessary right-of-way to construct this project. The additional year will also give the Air Force more time to determine how to proceed with this project and to follow the federal procedures to begin construction on the proposed water lines.
Fiscal Impact
Staff/Board Recommending
Erik Rejino, Assistant City Manager
Michael G. Keenum, P.E., Division Director of Engineering/City Engineer
Amendment 1
Original Contract
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